Are you curious to see how my blog did in 2019? Me too! So let’s feed our curiosity!
Most of these stats come from Google Analytics, so if there are some mistakes in counting, I will blame Google for that! ?
Let’s dive right into it!
In 2019 I published 74 posts on my blog. The first one was published on the 23rd of February, and it was about the History of Lublin GameDev [link to post].
The very last post and most recent for 2019 was published on the 30th of December, and it was my little summary of the year.
Over 2019 I could see some posts doing really well. These were mostly about ECS in Unity, but the most visited post was about AR and ARFoundation.
Here is the list of my top 5 most visited posts in 2019!
- Building AR game with ARFoundation
- Sprite rendering with ECS
- Implementing Factory Design Pattern
- Introduction to ECS
- Coding Animations with ECS
Another exciting thing is traffic on my blog. I’ve created this blog for fun to have a place where I can “express” myself with writing and sharing my knowledge.
I’m not spending a lot of time to promote my content anywhere. I don’t like to spam people like that… ?
My only marketing efforts where to publish info about new posts on my Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. For a few posts, I made an exception, as I published them also on my LinkedIn profile and a few Facebook groups.
And surprisingly, I still get some traffic on my blog!
In 2019 my pages and posts were opened 11868 times in 7901 sessions by 5729 users!
That’s impressive to me! Also, because of the lack of my marketing efforts, almost 80% of users come from organic search!
And because of the nature of my content and my network, I have most visitors from Poland and the United States. ?
And to top it all, all of you spent in total 9350 minutes on my blog, which is almost six and a half days! ?
Another thing that I wanted to test was to start the newsletter. For now, it’s more like a tool for reminding my readers about new posts.
My first newsletter was sent on the 1st of July, and from that time, I sent 38 newsletters in total. These messages were received by 12 of my subscribers! ❤️
The average opening rate is around 50-60%, which is I think great!
Scheduling that when wrong in 2019
I’m treating this blog as an experiment to feed my curiosity. My initial schedule for publishing new content was a little bit crazy. Two posts in a week fun at the beginning, but with more and more things coming up, I couldn’t keep it. But it was a great way to build some momentum on the blog. ?
I tried to reduce it first to one post in a week, and later to one post every other week. This failed in a big way. I made the last schedule change in late October, and I publish only two posts with that schedule. After that, I couldn’t get myself to write. It didn’t work out for me, so now I’ll post once every week, and I hope I’ll stick to Mondays ?
That’s the end of my first blog summary for 2019!
I hope you’ve enjoyed it, and maybe you’ll see something that may spark your curiosity to start your own online journey. ?
As a little reminder, I’ll add that if you want to be notified about new content on my blog, you can sign up for the newsletter! ?
Thanks again for being with me in 2019! ?