Setting up Project Tiny in Unity (part 2)

Project Tiny is built by Unity to create the smallest possible game builds. The main target for that is small and light mobile games, Instant Games, and Playable Ads.

Its build on top of Unity’s DOTS, so workflow it’s a little bit different than what we’re used to in Unity.

But I’ll try to explain it the best I can!

Note that this is still pretty much in development, so beware that this post’s content can become outdated. This post is using Project Tiny version preview.1 – 0.25.0. In such a case, let me know! I’ll try to keep it updated!

To read up to date documentation follow this link.

Read part 1 first! ?

This post is a continuation of Setting up Project Tiny in Unity (part 1). You should start reading there before reading this post. ?

Building a scene ?

Project Tiny uses scenes a little bit differently. It uses one scene as the main one, and all of the rest are used as Sub Scenes. With that, we will create a new scene, which will be the main one. You can even call it that way “Main“.

The next step is to create a sub-scene. To make it easier, create a new game object in the hierarchy and call it “Tiny Sub Scene“.

Create a new game object.

Now, move Main Camera and Directional Light to the newly created game object. These will be elements of the sub-scene.

Move Camera and Light to Tiny Sub Scene.

Before we go further, click on the camera and remove the Audio Listener component. It’s not ready for prime time yet.

Remove the Audio Listener component.

The next step is to create a sub-scene from our game object. To do that, right-click on the game object and go to New Sub Scene > From Selection….

Your scene should look like this now.

Your scene with a sub-scene.

Now, let’s show something in the scene!

We can use Cube or something that we have in Unity, or we can use some of Kenney’s Assets!

I’ll use the Pirate Kit for my example.

Let’s drop a few models here and there in the sub-scene.

Throw some models into the sub-scene.

And let’s add our Circle Movement Component from the previous post.

Add Circle Movement Component to one of the objects.

And with that, we’re almost on the finish line!

Building a project

To build Project Tiny project, we have to use the DOTS runtime build configuration. To create one you have to go to Project window and then Create > Build (it should be near the bottom) > DOTS Runtime Build Configuration

Create DOTS Runtime Build Configuration.

In this configuration asset, you have to set a few things. First is the scene list. You should add the main scene here.

Add the Main scene to the build configuration.

Next, you have to select your Root Assembly. This is Assembly Definition, which we created in the previous part.

Pick root assembly for the build.

And with that, you should be able to build and run your project. You can check it with my build config to verify if you have everything.

My build configuration. Check it with yours.

Result ?

Now, simply you can select Build and Run option on top of the Inspector to see if everything works fine.

Example scene with Project Tiny

Project Tiny is still in development and has its problems, but I’m really looking forward to seeing the final version ?

Other than that, share some of your thoughts related to Project Tiny or maybe share the project you’ve built using it in the comment section below! ?

And if you know someone that might need this, share it with him! I would really appreciate that! ?

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I’m also sharing this project at public repository. ?

Hope to see you next time! ?

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2 years ago

Hello, I can’t debug tiny project.
I enabled “Wait For Debugger” , but I never saw the  dialog.


debug tiny.png
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